Minutes – April 13th 2021

Minutes of the  Meeting of Lydford Parish Council held online on Tuesday 13th April 2021, 7.00pm 

Present:  CllrSquires (Chair); Cllr. Skeaping; Cllr Tainsh; Cllr Cook; Cllr Blackmore; Cllr Grigg; John Bright (Clerk); CllrSouthcott  (Borough Councillor) Catherine Parsons & Paula Clarke (National Trust, Lydford Gorge)

Meeting commenced 7:00pm

1) Public Discussion:

Councillors received an update from Catherine Parsons and Paula Clarke regarding vandalism carried out at the Gorge site over the past month. The criminal damage has been focussed on the means of access and visitor safety within the site. Catherine & Paula wondered whether the N.T. could work locally with the Parish Council in light of the damage inflicted on the public toilets in the village. It was agreed that the matter would be publicised in the first instance to raise community awareness, and that any subsequent damage would be reported to the Police as a crime.

2) Apologies for absence:

Cllr MacIntyre  – delayed by volcanic eruption. Accepted

3) Declarations of interest: 

Cllrs Cook and Skeaping declared personal relationships with the subjects of Planning Application 0119/21 to be considered tonight.

4)   Minutes of previous meeting:

The minutes were approved as a true record. Proposed – Cllr, Skeaping Seconded – Cllr Cook. All in favour. The agreement to be noted on the published minutes.

5)  Matters arising from previous meeting:

Item 5 – Cllr Cook reported that he had been asked by a parishioner why the Hawthorne Park footpath had not been cleaned despite Cllr Philips’ actions and asked if the Clerk could send a gentle reminder to the Councillor. (AP1)

6) Reports from Outside Bodies

Cllr Squires reported that he had attended a virtual meeting led by DALC regarding meeting protocols post – May 7th. The matter to be discussed under the later agenda item 13.

7) Report from Borough Councillors:

Cllr Mott’s monthly report had been circulated prior to the meeting. Nothing further to be added by Cllrs.

8) Climate Emergency (Standing Item)

Nothing further to add at this stage.

9) Public toilets (Standing Item)

Councillors formally adopted the cleaning regime discussed at last month’s meeting– toilets to be cleaned once daily throughout the season, reducing the cost from £3810 to £3386. Proposed Cllr Cook, Seconded Cllr Tainsh. All in favour.

10) Playground inspections

Cllrs Squires, Skeaping & Tainsh reported that they had inspected the playground equipment in the period from the last meeting.

11) Lydford Lengthsman

Following discussions at last month’s meeting, Cllrs resolved that a Lengthsman be employed for no more than 6 days at a daily rate of £150, with dates to be decided as needed. Proposed Cllr Blackmore, Seconded Cllr Skeaping. All in favour.

12) RoSPA inspection of the Playground equipment

Cllrs considered the 4 minor recommendations made by RoSPA following their inspection report dated 23rdMarch 2021. Two had been referred to the Sports Field Committee and have already been rectified. Cllrs to inspect the reportedly loose stepping post in the Jungle Gym (AP2) On the matter of the proximity of the equipment to the boundary fence, Cllrs felt that this was passed as acceptable when the equipment was first constructed and cannot be rectified now.

The report stated that strimming up to and against wooden uprights in the equipment was hastening the rotting of the posts. This to be passed on to the Sports Field Committee (AP3)

13) Future Meetings of the Parish Council

Councillors previously resolved to move the Annual Meeting and the scheduled May meeting to 4th May. Cllr Squires explained that the June meeting could only be held in person because of the expiry of the remote meeting legislation, but that the rule prohibiting meetings indoors of more than 6 persons would still be in force. As a consequence a full meeting of seven Councillors and the Clerk would be in breach of the “Rule of 6”. 

Cllr Squires proposed that the June meeting be suspended, seconded Cllr Cook. All in favour. Clerk to update website and newsletter (AP4)

14) Finances

a) Councillors resolved to approve the following payments: 

  1. Cllr Grigg              £9.00               Toilets
    1. ROSPA            £118.20               Playground Inspection
    1. DALC                 £86.95               Annual membership
    1. J Bright             £307.72               April salary
    1. HMRC                £72.20               PAYE April
    1. WDBC              £198.77               Toilets – electricity & service
    1. Evans P&H         £45.00              Reinstatement of toilets
    1. Cllr Grigg              £5.50               Toilets 
    1. CPRE                    TBD               Membership gift (2020 – £36)
    1. J Bright              £14.39                Zoom subscription March – April
    1. DM Payroll Sv  £120.00               Payroll services 2021-2
    1. J Jeffery          £180.00               Lengthsman services March

Proposed – Cllr Cook, seconded – Cllr Skeaping. All in favour.

b) Cllrs noted with gratitude receipt of Non-domestic rate demand from WDBC of £636.23, with 100% Small Business Rate Relief for 2021-22

15) Actions taken by the Clerk in the last month under the authority of the Scheme of Delegation.

Cllrs noted that following an online consultation with Councillors the Clerk had reported the Council’s support of WDBC application 0631/21 side extension at Burley View.

16) Planning applications

Councillors noted the personal interests declared by Cllrs Cook & Skeaping in application 0119/21, and agreed the responses to applications:

  1. 0119/21 – 2 Shellaford Cottages – erection of single storey extensions to rear and sides. Supported by majority vote.
    1. 0147/21 – Mill Cottage – erection of double garage & store. Supported.

17) Parish Council Website

The Clerk reported that the current website provision costs the Council $295 per year. It was agreed that the Clerk should investigate the possibility of reducing the cost and finding a UK – based host for the Council website (AP5)

18) Any other urgent business

Councillors discussed the recent receipt of an email from a parishioner complaining of the constant dog fouling in the parish. It was felt that because the issue had increased in severity during lockdown the offenders could only be local residents. The problem should be highlighted in the Parish Magazine (AP6) and more notices ordered and put up in prominent places (AP7)

Meeting closed 20:50

Next meeting Tuesday 4th May 2021, 19:00, to be proceeded by the Annual Meeting at 18:45. These meetings to be held online.


AP1Clerk to send reminder to Cllr Sanders re cleaning of the path at Hawthorn ParkSent 27.4.2021
AP2Cllrs to follow up on RoSPA report and inspect reported defect in stepping log in playground 
AP3Cllrs to forward RoSPA report to Playing Field Committee 
AP4Clerk to update parishioners on suspension of June meeting through newsletter and websiteCompleted 19.4.2021
AP5Clerk to investigate possibility of transferring Council website to another providerEnquiries ongoing
AP6Clerk to include piece on dog fouling within the village in latest Parish NewsletterCompleted 19.4.2021
AP7Clerk to order “no fouling” signs for distribution through the village.Delayed. To be completed.