Minutes – March 8th 2022


From the Clerk: John Bright

website:www.lydfordparishcouncil.com email:[email protected]

Minutes of the extraordinary public meeting held on

Tuesday 8th March 2022, 7:00pm

At the Nicholls Hall, Lydford

Standing Orders were suspended 

  1. Apologies for Absence

Cllr Blackmore, Cllr Sanders (DCC), Cllr Mott & Cllr Southcott (WDBC)

Present; Cllr Squires (chair), Cllr Cook, Cllr Grigg, Cllr Skeaping, Cllr MacIntyre. John Bright (Clerk) 13 members of the parish.

  • Declarations of Interest 


  • Cllr Squires opened the meeting by thanking everyone present and invited Cllr Skeaping to present the thoughts of the Council – 
  • to write to the local MP asking him to put pressure on the Government and the Home Office to allow more refugees into the UK.
  • To remind local residents that there are a number of large properties o=in the village which could accommodate Ukrainian refugees.
  • To start a petition if necessary to further drive Government action to support refugees.

A number of other ideas were discussed including forming a sub-committee, fund-raising, sponsoring refugees, hoisting the Ukrainian flag in place of or below the Union Jack flown on the parish flagpole.

At the end it was concluded that the meeting would support the refugees and people of Ukraine, that members of the parish and local businesses would be encouraged to give to charities supporting the people of Ukraine. The Chair of the Council would write to Geoffrey Cox MP to put pressure on the Government to allow greater numbers of refugees into the UK and hasten the process through which they gained admission. The Council will monitor the  Government’s response to the needs of the Ukrainian refugees and update parishioners as needed.


Meeting closed 19.40

Signed                                                 (Chair) Date