Minutes – February 11th 2020
Minutes of the Meeting of Lydford Parish Council held on Tuesday 11th February 2020, 7.30pm in the WI Room of the Nicholls Hall, Lydford.
Present: Cllr. Squires (Chair); Cllr Cook; Cllr. MacIntyre; Cllr. Skeaping; Cllr Blackmore; Cllr Grigg; John Bright (Clerk); Cllrs Mott & Southcott (Borough Councillors); 5 members of the parish.
Public Discussion:
There was considerable discussion about the use and access to the new bus shelter. The major points made were –
- That the shelter was intended only for the use of school children awaiting the bus to Okehampton College, for which purpose it does comply with regulations
- Dartline and DCC were invited to engage with the planning process but declined
- To bring the shelter up to the specifications required for disabled public use might be prohibitively expensive
- The shelter should be returned to the use for which it was intended.
Parishioners were advised that the Council are in contact with both Mark Phillips from DCC and Tom Lee from Highways on this matter.
Council was asked to make a grant towards the costs of producing the new Welcome to Lydford booklet. Councillors asked for a brief letter of application, but thought that the matter was one that could be supported.
The question of a night landing site in Lydford was raised. Councillors advised that the matter had been roundly discussed with Devon Air Ambulance and many others in previous years and it had proven impossible to agree a site.
Meeting commenced 7:55pm
1) Apologies for absence:
Cllr Tainsh. Accepted.
2) Declarations of interest:
Cllr Cook – The area surrounding the bus shelter (item 9)
3) Minutes of previous meeting:
The published draft minutes of the meeting of 14th January 2020 were approved by all and signed by the Chair as a true record. Proposed – Cllr Squires, Seconded – Cllr Cook. All in favour – duly signed by the Chairman.
4) Matters arising from previous meeting:
The existing postmaster at Mary Tavy, who operates the outreach Post Office in Nicholls Hall, has assured the Clerk that the current provision of four hours each Tuesday and Friday will continue unchanged.
5) Reports from outside bodies:
Cllr Squires – Hall Committee.
The tarmac surface outside the hall is deteriorating and becoming a trip hazard in places. Could the £1400 recently donated by the Playground Committee be used to replace it? The funds were donated on the provision that they be used for improvement projects and not maintenance, but did suggest that the matter be referred to DCC Highways as the area in question is part of the roadway. (AP1)
6) Report from Borough Councillor:
WDBC are preparing a Climate Change & Biodiversity presentation which they request be shown at a future Parish Council meeting.
There are two vehicle charging points being installed in Tavistock. If the evidence is that they are being regularly and heavily used, then further points might be made available in villages such as Lydford.
7) Emergency Planning
In the absence of Councillor Tainsh, the matter was deferred to the March meeting (AP2)
8) Climate Emergency
The wording of different options presented by the Clerk were discussed and a format agreed. Councillor Cook to produce a final declaration for circulation and agreement at the March meeting (AP3).
It was agreed that the matter be a standing agenda item in future.
9) Bus shelter
In light of the previous discussions with parishioners, it was agreed that Councillors would take no action but await any future communication from Mark Phillips or Tom Lee.
10) Public toilets (standing item):
Councillor Grigg asked that the WC street signs recently ordered be passed to him, and that he will arrange for them to be put up prior to the toilets re-opening in the spring.
11) Finance:
a) Payments:
The following payments were approved –
- J Bright (Pay January) £ 249.28 Payment online
HMRC (PAYE January) £ 57.80 Cheque 300005
b) Cllrs resolved to accept the contract from Penny Clapham for the provision of internal audit services this year.
Proposed – Cllr Squires, seconded – Cllr MacIntyre, all in favour.
12) Planning Applications
None received.
13) Correspondence:
Previously circulated.
14) Other Business by permission of the Chair
The existing Union Flag needs replacing.
Meeting closed 20:35
Next meeting Tuesday 10th March 2020
Point | Action | Completed |
AP1 | Clerk to contact DCC Highways about renewing the tarmac outside the Nicholls Hall | |
AP2 | Emergency Planning to March Agenda | On agenda |
AP3 | Cllr Cook to re-word Climate Emergency declaration. | Circulated to Councillors 13.2.2020. To March agenda for ratification. |