Agenda – September 21st 2021


From the Clerk:

 John Bright email:[email protected]

The Parish Council is summoned

To meet on

Tuesday 21st September 2021 at 7:00pm

At the Nicholls Hall, Lydford

Members of the public and press wishing to observe or participate in the public session are cordially invited to attend. Covid restrictions will be followed as per Government guidance. Risk Assessment is available on request. Matters for the Council to consider can also be brought to the attention of Councillors or emailed to the Clerk: [email protected].


  1. Public Session (15 minutes or at the discretion of the Chair)
  • Apologies for Absence
  • Declarations of Interest 

In accordance with the Code of Conduct, members are required to declare any personal or disclosable pecuniary interests, including the nature and extent of such interests they may have, in items to be considered at this meeting.  


4.     Minutes of the meeting held 13th July 2021

To resolve to agree the minutes

  • Matters arising from the meeting 13th July 2021

(For information only)

  • Path from Hawthorn Park
  • VAS on A386 opposite Lydford Farm Shop
  • Meeting with representative of TORS Group
  • Speedwatch through Lydford
  • Update on matters that have arisen since last meeting

(For discussion & information only)

  • Replacement Home Guard seat outside Merriment House
  • Repainting of Phone Box outside Nicholls Hall
  • Reports from Outside Bodies
  • Borough Councillors Report (previously circulated)
  • Climate Change Emergency (Standing Item)
  1. Public toilets (standing item)

Progress with CCTV

  1. Playground (standing item)
    1. To note safety inspection(s) conducted since previous meeting
    1. Repairs to identified defects 
  1. Finances
    1. Monthly payments

To resolve to approve the payments:

  1. J Bright                   £25.99             Toilet supplies
  2. J Bright                 £307.52             Salary September
  3. HMRC                                 £72.40             PAYE September

BC, NG – all

  • Financial update

To receive an update on the financial position of the Council to date, together with projected expenditure through the rest of the financial year. (previously circulated)

  • Microsoft Office licence

To approve purchase of 1 year’s licence @ £48 + VAT

  1. Actions taken under delegated authority since last meeting:

(For Councillors to note)

  1. Payments made –

10.9.2021 – Jade Tennant (Toilet cleaning August) – £481.00

18.8.2021 –

  1. John Bright (Zoom subscription, June) – £14.39
  2. Jade Tennant (toilet cleaning July) – £573.50
  3. John Bright (salary August) – £307.52
  4. John Bright (PPE) – £4.00
  5. Evans Plumbing (repairs to toilets) – £132.00
  6. John Bright (Zoom subscription July) – £14.39
  1. Planning Applications:

To agree responses to applications:

  • 0471/21 Smalland, Lydford – change of use of ground floor of existing barn to residential
  • 0480/21 Higher Beardon, Lydford – enclose a gated elevation to agricultural building
  1. Council Policies:

To resolve to adopt new / updated policies

  1. Code of Conduct 2021  V.1 (Re-written using new model from WDBC)
    1. Lydford Reserves Policy V.2 (update of existing policy)  
  1. Any other urgent business for discussion by permission of the chairman.

(For information only)

Signed  Clerk to the Council                     Date 10th September 2021

Date of next meeting – Tuesday 12th October 2021

Nicholls Hall, Lydford

Correspondence distribution:

1Peninsula TransportConsultation on the vision and goals of the South West transport networkShared with Councillors 13.7.2021
2DCC Transport Co-ordinationConsultation on DCC response to Government’s National Bus StrategyShared with Councillors 14.7.2021
3Soil AssociationConsultation on Forestry Council StewardshipShared with Councillors20.7.2021
4Catherine Parsons (NT)Update from Lydford GorgeFrom Cllr Blackmore, shared with Councillors 21.7.2021
5D&C PoliceWildfire AlertTo all Councillors 21.7.2021
6Rob & Hannah ButlerFeedback on July meeting & subsequent newsletter articleShared with Councillors 10.9.2021
7Verena McConnelAccident involving a deer outside Lydford HouseShared with Councillors 28.10.2021Enquiry to DCC Highways officer re signage.
8Anthony PurnellCelebration of Queen’s platinum Jubilee 2022Response to Mr Purnell, shared with Councillors. To September agenda.