Agenda – October 11th 2022


From the Clerk:

 John Bright email:[email protected]

The Parish Council is summoned

To meet on

Tuesday 11th October 2022 at 7:00pm

Members of the public and press wishing to observe, or to participate in the public session are welcome to attend. Matters for the Council to consider can also be brought to the attention of Councillors or emailed to the Clerk: [email protected].


  1. Public Session (15 minutes)
  • Apologies for absence
  • Declarations of Interest

In accordance with the Code of Conduct, members are required to declare any personal or disclosable pecuniary interests, including the nature and extent of such interests they may have, in items to be considered at this meeting.  

  • Walking the Bounds 2023 – Paul Brookes

To receive a presentation and request for Council involvement

  • Flying the Devon Flag as an alternate to the Union Flag – Cllr Grigg

To decide whether to fly the Devon Flag and / or the Union Flag

  • Feedback on meeting with DNP re. proposed parking charges in Lydford

For Councillors’ discussion

  • Speedwatch

To receive an update on Lydford Speedwatch sessions to date

  • Minutes of the Meeting 12th July 2022

To resolve to agree the minutes

  • Matters arising from the meeting 12th July 2022 

(For information only)

  • £50 localities grant towards new defibrillator cabinet from both Cllrs Mott and Southcott
  1. Reports from Outside Bodies

Reinstatement of Link meetings – volunteer(s) to attend.

  1. Climate Change Emergency (Standing Item)
  1. Public toilets (standing item)
  2. Wallgate to be repaired. Was found to be switched off at last visit
  1. Playground (standing item)
  1. Finances
  2. To resolve to approve the payments:
  1. J. Bright                              £59.99           Microsoft Office renewal 2022
    1. J. Bright                            £312.91           October salary
    1. HMRC                                £73.60           PAYE October
    1. Jade Tennant                   £613.10           Toilet cleaning September
    1. J. Bright                              £10.99           Flagpole Halyard
    1. WDBC                              £326.60           Toilets, electricity & water to August 2022
    1. WDBC                            £1081.66           Toilets, electricity 2/21-11/21 & water 2/20-11/21
  1. Actions taken under delegated authority

To note actions taken by the Clerk under the Scheme of Delegation

Payments made during August –

  1. Jade Tennant                   £608.00           Toilet cleaning, July
  2. J Bright                             £312.91           Salary, August
  3. HMRC                                £73.60           PAYE, August
  4. Fire Rescue Ltd               £552.00           New defibrillator cabinet

Payments made in September – 

  1. J Bright                               £23.94           Printer Cartridge
  2. J Bright                             £312.71           Salary, September
  3. HMRC                                £73.80           PAYE, September
  4. Jade Tennant                   £611.50           Toilet cleaning, August
  1. Planning Applications:

To agree responses to applications:


  1. Any other urgent business for discussion by permission of the chairman.

(For information only)

Signed  Clerk to the Council                     Date 4th October 2022

Date of next meeting – Tuesday 15th November 2022

Correspondence distribution:

01WDBCLink meetings have been reinstated. First meeting to be held in the Autumn. Invites for attendees and agenda items.To Councillors for consideration.
02DCCRefusal of application for Lydford to be included in the first round of experimental 20mph zones.To Councillors for consideration.
03Adrian Brookes Representations on LPC proposal of hoisting the Devon Flag as an alternate to the Union Jack To Councillors for discussion at October’s meeting
04Anthony Parnell
05Jenny Pratt
06Sue Powne
 SAAAWhether to continue with the SAAA external auditors or to appoint the Council’s own external auditorsTo Councillors for consideration. To agenda if requested.