Agenda – June 13th 2023
From the Clerk:
John Bright
The Parish Council is summoned
to meet at the Nicholls Hall, Lydford on
Tuesday 13th June 2023 at 7:00pm
Members of the public and press wishing to observe, or to participate in the public session are welcome to attend. Matters for the Council to consider can also be brought to the attention of Councillors or emailed to the Clerk:
- Public Session (15 minutes)
- Apologies for absence
- Declarations of Interest
In accordance with the Code of Conduct, members are required to declare any personal or disclosable pecuniary interests, including the nature and extent of such interests they may have, in items to be considered at this meeting.
- Any urgent business not listed in the agenda below, by permission of the Chair.
(For information only)
- Minutes of the meeting 16th May 2023
To resolve to agree the minutes.
- Matters arising from the meeting 16th May 2023
(For information only)
- Notice Boards outside Nicholls Hall
Both boards are the property of the Parish Council and are in poor condition. To consider proposals for repair / replacement. (Cllr L Lenton, Sue Powne)
- 20’s Plenty
To consider the Council’s response to the 20’s Plenty for Devon campaign.
- Speedwatch
To consider how the group can be taken forward. (Cllr Southcott).
- Lydford Resilience Plan
To consider the previously published Lydford Emergency Plan. (Cllr Hulett)
Does the Emergency Plan remain fit for purpose?
Who will be the officers named in the Plan?
- Playground
Progress of repairs to equipment identified in ROSPA report. (Cllr Gilpin).
- Southern Links Councils, training opportunities for Councillors
To collate responses to email offering training, particularly for newly elected Councillors (Cllr L. Lenton).
- Gorge Hill
To consider an identified issue with the footpath and overgrowth at Gorge Hill and the condition of the Council bench at the top of the hill. (Cllr Hulett).
- Finances
- To resolve to approve the payments:
- J. Bright £340.58 June salary
- HMRC £80.60 PAYE June
- Alison Stacey £60.00 Catering for Parish Meeting 16.5.23
- J Bright £8.70 Drinks for Parish Meeting 16.5.23
- J Bright £82.00 Printing for Beating the Bounds
- Receipts – for noting.
- Sue Powne – proceeds of Coronation fund-raising £403.00
- Sue Powne – further funds raised £73.00
- Banking reconciliation 30.5.23 – for information
Opening balance 1.4.23 £10,015.25 Bank holdings at 30.5.23
Add receipts £5,724.56 Deposit Account £12,000.00
Less payments £2,762.50 Current account £977.31
£12,977.31 £12,977.31
- Planning
To note DNPA responses to applications –
- 0124/23 Bella Mead, Silver Street Two storey replacement dwelling.
Approved by DNPA with conditions.
- 0161/23 Clifton Cottage EX20 4BH Side and rear extension.
Approved by DNPA with conditions.
- 0173/23 Smalland Farm Certificate of lawful development – single storey
extension to existing dwelling. Application refused by DNPA.
- Beating the Bounds
Review of the event (Report from organiser previously circulated).
- Actions taken under delegated authority.
To note actions taken by the Clerk under the Scheme of Delegation
- WDBC £20.46 VAT on electricity recharges already paid.
- Sue Powne £58.24 Invoices paid – Beating the Bounds
- Paul Brookes £188.62 Invoices paid – Beating the Bounds
Signed Clerk to the Council Date 6th June 2023
Correspondence distribution:
01 | Sustainability officer, Totnes Town Council | Invitation to join the “20’s Plenty for Devon” campaign to have 20mph speed limits throughout Devon. | Circulated to Cllrs. Agenda item for June meeting. |
02 | Southern Links co-ordinator | Availability of funds for training (particularly new) Councillors. | Circulated to Cllrs. Agenda item to collate responses. |
03 | DNP Planning | Outcomes of planning applications –0124/23 Bella Mead0161/23 Clifton Cottage0173/23 Smalland Farm | Circulated to Cllrs. To agenda for noting. |