Agenda – December 14th 2021


From the Clerk:

 John Bright email:[email protected]

The Parish Council is summoned

To meet on

Tuesday 14th December 2021, 7:00pm

At the Nicholls Hall, Lydford

Members of the public and press wishing to observe or participate in the public session are cordially invited to attend. Covid restrictions will be in line with the latest Government guidance. Risk Assessment is available on request. Matters for the Council to consider can also be brought to the attention of Councillors or emailed to the Clerk: [email protected].


  1. Public Session (15 minutes or at the discretion of the Chair)
  • Apologies for Absence
  • Declarations of Interest 

In accordance with the Code of Conduct, members are required to declare any personal or disclosable pecuniary interests, including the nature and extent of such interests they may have, in items to be considered at this meeting.  


4.     Minutes of the meeting held 9th November 2021

To resolve to agree the minutes

  • Matters arising from the meeting 9th November 2021

(For information only)

  • Update on matters that have arisen since last meeting

(For discussion & information only)

  • Ownership of notice boards outside Nicholls Hall
  • Reports from Outside Bodies
  • Borough Councillors Report (circulated)
  • Climate Change Emergency (Standing Item)
  • Quote from Western Power (circulated)
  1. Public toilets (standing item)
  2. CCTV – update
  3. Renewal of contract – to discuss and resolve (if agreed) to accept the new contract (circulated)
  1. Playground (standing item)
  2. Report from site management, DMAT
  1. Finances
    1. Monthly payments

To resolve to approve the payments:

  1. J Bright                 £307.52             Salary December
  2. HMRC                                 £72.40             PAYE December
  3. Branson Ltd           £931.20             Home Guard bench
  • To receive proposals for amendments to existing budget. Full budget 2022-3 to be approved at January meeting
  • To approve Council holding funds raised for 2022 Platinum Jubilee
  1. Actions taken under delegated authority since last meeting:


  1. Planning Applications:

To note approval of applications:


  1. Council Policies:

To resolve to adopt new or updated policies / continue with existing policies

  • Safeguarding policy V.1 (2018) No changes required
  • Standing Orders (2019) No changes required
  • Data Protection Policy (2019) Addition of para. 7 – Information Commissioner
  1. Any other urgent business for discussion by permission of the chairman.

(For information only)

Signed  Clerk to the Council                     Date 8th December 2021

Date of next meeting – Tuesday 11th January 2022

Nicholls Hall, Lydford

Correspondence distribution:

1Catherine ParsonsUpdate on Lydford Gorge openings and plans 2021-22Circulated to Cllrs for info only
2Peter GreyMoving to Lydford, searching for housingCirculated to Cllrs for info only
3Devon Countryside Access ForumInvitation to apply to sit on forumCirculated to Cllrs for info / individual action. To newsletter
4WDBCClimate Change digital newsletterCirculated to Cllrs for info only
5Cllr Southcott, WDBCAdvice to members on use of Social Media and definitions of Disclosable InterestsCirculated to Cllrs for info only
6Site management services, Dartmoor MATOutcome of examination of swing structure in Lydford PlaygroundCirculated to Cllrs for info. To agenda item 11
7Dartmoor National ParkNewly adopted PlanCirculated to Cllrs for info only.
8Western Power DistributionQuote for the upgrade of transformer supplying the village and ancillary works to support installation of rapid EV charger in Lydford car park.Circulated to Cllrs for info / discussion / action as necessary. To agenda item 9
9WDBCUpdated contract for the maintenance of public toilets in LydfordCirculated to Cllrs for info. To agenda item 10 for agreement and signature as appropriate.