Road closure – change of dates
The dates that the back road from
Lydford to the Mucky Duck will be closed have changed. The road will now be closed from Monday 4th to Monday 11th November
The dates that the back road from
Lydford to the Mucky Duck will be closed have changed. The road will now be closed from Monday 4th to Monday 11th November
Join the Lydford Lich Way Walk on Sunday June 2nd Starts at Bellever Forest car park, ol28 SX656771(£5.00) at 0930. Note this is a linear walk so arrangements need to be made to have a car at the finish at Lydford as well. Car park opposite the Castle Inn, at SX 510847 (£5.30) Walk the…
The parish council meets as scheduled on Tuesday 12th November at 7.00 pm in the Nicholls Hall. It would be lovely to see members of the parish there to contribute to discussions and give their opinions. Councillors have been asked to take a view on – Affordable housing in the village, the 20’s Plenty campaign…
We are pleased to announce Lydford Fayre will be on Saturday 6th of July, we are looking forward to welcoming back the Balloonists and the other regular features at the fayre.
There will be an exhibition of artwork by local artists on Saturday 24th to Monday 26th August 10am til 4pm in the Nicholls Hall. (Free Entry) Accompanied by the Lydford Village Jumble Trail on Saturday 11am till 3pm Cream teas and Ice cream available.
The Lydford Community Group was formed to raise money to enable Lydford School to purchase the land adjacent to it. When the DMAT decided not to pursue this, the project was canceled leaving a sum of unspent funds. Thank you for your patience while we have been returning donations and deciding on where the remaining…
Advanced warning of an inspection and remedial work to the railway bridge by the junction between the back road from Lydford to the Mucky Duck and the turning to Ingo Brake. The road is scheduled to be closed from Thursday 21st November to Friday 22nd November. The planned detour is via Tavistock and the A386.