Minutes – December 13th 2016
Minutes of the Meeting
held on Tuesday 13th December 2016 at 7pm
Public Time
Two members attended.
Cllrs Fowler, Cook, Moriarty, MacIntyre, Skeaping and Tainsh.
- Apologies
Apologies from Cllr Mills and Mrs T Redding (Clerk)
- Declarations of Interest
- To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 8th November 2016
The PC agreed that the minutes were accurate and they were signed by the Chair, Cllr Fowler.
- Matters arising from the Minutes dated 8th November 2016
Matters arising:
It was agreed that the column heading of the draft budget currently titled 2016-2017 “Actual to end of year” should be renamed “Estimated to end of year”
- Reports from Outside Bodies
Playground & MUGA
Mr. Williams updated the PC regarding the Playground and MUGA. The Bistro and switching on of the Christmas lights were well supported with receipts of just under £1500. As previously noted the Playground Committee and the school have decided to pool funds for a joint MUGA to be constructed within the school grounds for both school and public use. Access is anticipated to be for school use during school hours during school terms and for community use outside of those times. Discussions with potential suppliers and with school are ongoing.
Southern Link
Cllr Cook updated the PC regarding the Southern Link meeting. Two main points were:
- TAP funding discussed and updated. Southern Link has decided on a flat rate of £2,750 per application for night landing provision for air ambulance and has requested input from the air ambulance on West Devon preferred distribution of landing spots. As this feedback will only be available at the next Southern Links meeting when further TAP applications will be discussed, Cllr Tainsh will investigate directly with Air Ambulance about whether Lydford is a priority area and what site requirements are.
- DNPA local plan progress update by Jo Rumble. Over 200 people have been communicated with by DNPA on the plan to date.
Lydford Foxes (football)
Cllr MacIntyre updated the PC that the 5 a side tournament had been well supported with 20 children and that the Saturday sessions were now stopped for the holidays but would restart in January. Coaching courses have been booked for February.
- Borough Council Reports.
- Finances
The Clerk had provided an update on finances, including the status of the reserves.
- Bills for Payment
£51 RBL Poppies (1248)
£75 Grass cutting (1249)
£29 Mileage (1250)
£251.44 Clerk (1251)
£58.40 Inland revenue (1252)
- Grant Applications
None received prior to meeting. Request from Playground committee received and to go on January agenda.
- Planning Applications
1.DNPA planning 0616/16 Castle Inn Lydford. Removal and re-siting of oil tank – supported
2. DPNA Planning 0595/16 and 0596/16 Town Farm extend living accommodation / Town Farm alterations to cow house for accommodation – no objection
3. DNPA Planning 0510/16 Bickleigh House – noted that planning granted
4. Tree Works 16/0058 Clearview trees – no protection order – noted
5. Tree works 16/0052 Coach house trees – no protection order – noted
- Correspondence
- Correspondence DNPA – list of pay phones to be removed. (Lydford payphone is not going to be removed). Noted.
- Correspondence DCC – Community energy programs – noted
- Correspondence – Southern Link TAP funded projects – noted
- Correspondence – Dr. Palmer – website issues. Linking issue kindly noted and rectified. Unfortunately, the PC believes nothing can be done about the purchase by an individual of the domain lydfordparishcouncil.co.uk except clarify that this site has nothing to do with the Parish Council.
- Agenda Items and Date of next Parish Council Meeting
- DNPA local plan – Lydford Parish Council has encouraged parishioners to get involved in the first stage of this consultation. We have made hard copies of the document available in key village locations, published relevant information in the Parish magazine and on our website, and invited residents to attend Parish Council meetings or give us their views in person, by email, letter, or via Facebook. With no views forthcoming, we can only assume that parishioners are broadly happy with DNPA’s current approach to planning for Dartmoor.
- Approval of budget changes and budget for 2017 – approved
- Lengthsman work schedule – until course attendance allows the lengthsman to do roadside work he will go ahead with the works not adjacent to road.
The date of the next meeting will be Tuesday 10th January 2017
- Urgent additional business by leave of the Chair
If any parishioners have strong opinions regarding the proposed closure of all 16 beds at Okehampton Hospital the public consultation closes for responses on the 6th January 2017. A link will be posted on the Lydford Facebook page and hard copy forms are available.
Meeting closed at 20.25
.Signed ___________________ Chairperson Dated 2017