Agenda – January 14th 2020


From the Clerk:

 John Bright  email:[email protected]

The Parish Council is summoned


The WI Room, The Nicholls Hall, Lydford

On Tuesday 14th January 2020 at 7pm

Members of the public and press are welcome to attend and are invited to raise matters of public interest – this period will be limited to 15 minutes duration.


  1. Apologies for absence
  • Declarations of Interest

In accordance with the Code of Conduct, members are required to declare any personal or disclosable pecuniary interests, including the nature and extent of such interests they may have, in items to be considered at this meeting.  Members are also reminded that any change to their Declaration of Interests must be notified to the Monitoring Officer  within 28 days of the change.  

  • Minutes of the meeting held 10th December 2019

To resolve to agree the minutes

  • Matters arising from the meeting 10th December 2019 
  • Reports from Outside Bodies
  • Borough Councillors Report
  • On street parking in the vicinity of Lydford Gorge NT site.

To consider methods of preventing / controlling parking, to include further discussion on no parking / clearway road markings.

  • Emergency Planning (Cllr Tainsh)

To begin work on completing Lydford Emergency Plan

  • Climate Emergency

Consider ways of reducing climate impact within Lydford Parish

  • WDBC Climate Champion
  • Charging point
  • Recycling – Jodie Austin
  • Okehampton Eco Aware Coffee Morning 18.1.2020 09:00
  1. Public toilets (standing item)
  1. Finances
  1. To resolve to approve the payments:
  1. J Bright (Pay December)              £ 249.28          Online pyt
    1. HMRC (PAYE December)            £ 57.80            300004
    1. J Bright (Expenses December)    £ 35.69            Online pyt
  • To resolve to sign Direct Debit to Information Commissioner’s Office for annual fee for Lydford PC’s registration with ICO
  1. Planning Applications:

None received

  1. Correspondence

See items listed below

  1. Any other urgent business for discussion

By permission of the chairman.

Signed  Clerk to the Council                     Date 7th January 2020

Date of next meeting – Tuesday 11th February 2020

Correspondence distribution:

 CorrespondentSubject / ContentDistribution method & date
01Mary Barkell (Lydford PCC)Burial Grant – not needed this year.Forwarded to Councillors 7.1.2020
02Lisa Buckle (WDBC)Council tax referendum – town & parish councils may increase precept over 2.9% without need for a referendumForwarded to Councillors 7.1.2020
03Lesley Crocker (WDBC)Action against climate change.Forwarded to Councillors 7.1.2020 To agenda 14.1.2020
04Jodie AustinImproved recycling in Lydford Forwarded to Councillors 7.1.2020 To agenda 14.1.2020
05Tom Dixon (DCC Digital Information Lead)Devon Climate Emergency & Devon Climate DeclarationForwarded to Councillors 7.1.2020 To agenda 14.1.2020